Streaming TV!!
I'm sorry if this is illegal - but being stuck in Germany, I had to do something about not being able to watch the Cricket World Cup and I am happy to say I found a solution!
Here's what you need to do:
Here, the 3912 might vary, so check the URL of the channel anyway. Replace $channel_id$ with the channel ID. Here 3908 is the local port and 8908 is the player port. Now fire up VLC or any player capable of opening a network stream and open the http url http://localhost:8908/tv.asf.
That's it. Enjoy your show. Oh, if you want to "change" the channel, I can't think of any other way other than doing "killall -9 sp-sc" before repeating the process.
Here's what you need to do:
- Download "sopcast" from here and put it in a suitable place
- Download the stdc++5 library also from here
- Extract the files from the library as explained in the README
$ ./sp-sc sop://$channel_id$ 3908 8908 > /dev/null &
Here, the 3912 might vary, so check the URL of the channel anyway. Replace $channel_id$ with the channel ID. Here 3908 is the local port and 8908 is the player port. Now fire up VLC or any player capable of opening a network stream and open the http url http://localhost:8908/tv.asf.
That's it. Enjoy your show. Oh, if you want to "change" the channel, I can't think of any other way other than doing "killall -9 sp-sc" before repeating the process.
Labels: sopcast, streaming video, vlc