Generate BibTeX Entry from IEEEXplore Citations
BibConverter v 1.5.3
[edited Aug 20, 2006]:
The link now redirects to:
BibConverter v. 3.0beta
An attempt at organizing my thoughts ...
jsmith@server:~/public_html/db$ htpasswd -c ~/htpasswds jdoe
New password:
Re-type new password:
Adding password for user jdoe
jsmith@server:~/public_html/db$ cat .htaccess
AuthType Basic
AuthName "db"
AuthUserFile /home/jsmith/htpasswds
Require user jdoe
Cooperative Linux is the first working free and open source method for optimally running Linux on Microsoft Windows natively. More generally, Cooperative Linux (short-named coLinux) is a port of the Linux kernel that allows it to run cooperatively alongside another operating system on a single machine. For instance, it allows one to freely run Linux on Windows 2000/XP, without using a commercial PC virtualization software such as VMware, in a way which is much more optimal than using any general purpose PC virtualization software.
$ cygserver-config
$ cygrunserver -S cygserver
$ export CYGWIN=server
$ export DISPLAY=<ip of windows host>:0